Thursday, January 15, 2009

updates of our baby..

Wow its been forever since I have written in here.


I had a doctors appointment January 6th. I have gained about 13 pounds so far and right about now I am 5 1/2 months pregnant. I had an ultrasound at my doctors appointment and found out we are expecting a baby girl :)

Steffen at first was a little apprenhensive, he wanted a little boy so badly, but now he just can't enough of having a little girl to call his own, lord knows she's gonna be a daddy's girl just like I am. He is so excited!!

Me & Steffen were tossing around Chloe Elizabeth and Madison Renay for the name, but we finally settled on Madison Renay. We love the name Madison, or Maddie for short. And her middle name is a compilation of my middle name Renee and Steffens middle name Ray. To make Renay. Yeah its the same middle name as me, but its just so cute. Everyone loves the name, especially Steffens mom who always wanted a daughter she could name Cashmere Renee. So yeah.

I already went out and bought Maddie some cute onesies to wear while we were in the hospital together and I bought her a cute coming home outfit, pictures will be up when I am home and have a camera handy.

Other than that all is well with Maddie. She's moving constantly, she sure is a kickboxer :) And she is growing everyday. Although I get uncomfortable with the stretching and the pains in my back, I would go through it for her anyday just to know she is healthy. Which I believe she is.

Anyways, I am at work so I gotta get going. When I get home I'll post some pictures of her cute outfits, as well as, her ultrasounds pictures.

byes :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

baby love.

Christmas is coming up very shortly. It is still about 2 weeks away, but its creeping fast. The family is going down to Homestead on the 20th to have Christmas with my extended family and then we are having Christmas with my brother, sister, and parents on Christmas day. Then my niece's birthday party is December 27. I still need to find out what day we are doing Christmas with Steffens family.

I had a doctors appointment for the baby on Friday December 5, 2008. I so far have gained about 7 pounds during my pregnancy and my blood pressure is looking good. I got some bloodwork taken to see if I am immune to varicella since I had an encounter at work and was exposed to a patient who had chickenpox. Results came back fine, I am immune and the baby is fine. My next ultrasound and doctors appointment is schedueled for January 6, 2009. They are going to make sure the baby is growing fine and that the babies organs are doing good and we also get to find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait to find out if I am having a little boy or girl. My instinct says its a boy, but you never know. As soon as I find out I am gonna go buy something for the baby and of course start thinking of some names :)

Well anyways, I am gonna go. I am at work and my lunch break is going to start soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

new events.

thanksgiving has come & gone. i got to see ron & cheryl the day before and them two, me, and steffen spent the day before thanksgiving together watching movies and eating chinese food. i miss them so much when they are gone :/

but thanksgiving was cool. tons of food which of course made me happy. and i got to see my sister and niece. and i saw my nephew the day after, he is getting so big. he's almost 7 months now and he is scooting everywhere! its hard to keep track of him.

my mother in law had to go out of town to oklahoma for a week, so me & steffen are house sitting for her. watching her dog & two kittens.. and my 15 year old brother in law. its been cool though.

im almost 17 weeks now and im far along enough to determine the sex of the baby. a lot of people want a girl and a select few want a boy. i want a boy, but ill be happy with a little girl too. we already decided if its a girl her name is going to be chloe elizabeth van gough, the boy name is undecided. lol.

im not exactly sure when i am supposed to be getting my second ultrasound to determine the sex. i have an upcoming appointment on the 5th to do some more tests and go over the due date determined by the ultrasound, which showed i am a week farther along than we expected. i hope i get to find out what the sex is before christmas. but if not, ill be happy as soon as i find out!

by the far along you are supposed to be able to feel the baby kicking. i have felt fluttering in my stomach which is really exciting. last night i felt the baby kick though, which made me grin from ear to ear. i thought i felt the baby kick before but i finally felt it and knew it was it. i was totally still and was resting and i felt something hit my tummy. i thought it was just me but then i felt it again and i knew it was my little one saying hello. i was so happy.

i cant wait to hold my little one, but then again i can. im getting excited about decorating the nursery and doing all these things to prepare for the baby and im not even half way there yet lol. i decided on a cute green color for the room that includes cute little jungle animals. and i already bought my first gift for the baby, a boppy that looks like a girafe. its so cute, it has a tail and everything.

well anyways, im gonna get going. im writing this on my lunch break at work and ive barely even touched my food.

adios :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

first entry.

so i havent actually had a blog in a really long time. i usually just use the one on my myspace, but my best friend cheryl just got one on here, so i figured hell, why not.

lord knows i could use something to write in. to keep my frustrations down and stress level to a minimum. it seems like i get so flustered so easily now-a-days, but i guess my hormones are changing so much that it is affecting my composure in stressful situations.

as you can tell in my about me.. im pregnant. im 15 weeks along now, or almost 4 months for those who hate when i say weeks, for example, my husband lol. everyday is a new adventure. i just had my first ultrasound about a week ago and let me tell you what, i totally fell in love the moment that image popped up on the screen. my little one facing away from me :P kind of bummed me out at first, but then like a bat out of hell my baby rolled over and was so unbelievably active. i was so amazed that it is an actual little person in there.

okay, i know that probably sounds awful. but i imagined my first ultrasound just to be a little flutter of growth. not an actual baby with arms and hands. the lady said my babys got big hands & feet. it gets that from his daddy. but then of course the comment came from her mouth, oh my gosh that baby has some long fingers and toes lol. under my breath i uttered, it gets that from me. gorman traits right there. but amazingly, i fell in love at first sight, for the second time in my life. the only other time i fell in the love the moment i saw something for the first time was the moment i layed eyes on my husband.

but enough about him. otherwise ill be going on & on. back to this blog. my best friend is using her blog as a memoir of her plans & goals for her wedding. i want this blog to be my journal of the journey i had while carrying my little one and of course after my little one is here.

here are just some pictures of the two most important things in my life, my husband & my baby. enjoy!

me & my husband.

my first ultrasound of the baby.