Wednesday, December 10, 2008

baby love.

Christmas is coming up very shortly. It is still about 2 weeks away, but its creeping fast. The family is going down to Homestead on the 20th to have Christmas with my extended family and then we are having Christmas with my brother, sister, and parents on Christmas day. Then my niece's birthday party is December 27. I still need to find out what day we are doing Christmas with Steffens family.

I had a doctors appointment for the baby on Friday December 5, 2008. I so far have gained about 7 pounds during my pregnancy and my blood pressure is looking good. I got some bloodwork taken to see if I am immune to varicella since I had an encounter at work and was exposed to a patient who had chickenpox. Results came back fine, I am immune and the baby is fine. My next ultrasound and doctors appointment is schedueled for January 6, 2009. They are going to make sure the baby is growing fine and that the babies organs are doing good and we also get to find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait to find out if I am having a little boy or girl. My instinct says its a boy, but you never know. As soon as I find out I am gonna go buy something for the baby and of course start thinking of some names :)

Well anyways, I am gonna go. I am at work and my lunch break is going to start soon.